Monday, April 6, 2009

Don't Eat This Book

I've been hearing a lot about lead lately and frankly I haven't been listening. But then a few weeks ago the recent lead hysteria that has gradually been growing in the country over the past year finally peeked in my kitchen. I was grinding coffee beans in the evening for a nice cup when I noticed a warning label on the cord of the grinder. It has been there since I bought it several months ago, but I've never bothered to read it assuming that it was warning me not to try to use the grinder in the sink or bathtub. But no! The label told me that the cord contains lead and that I should wash my hands thoroughly after each time I touch it. I suddenly thought back to all the times I had touched that cord and then made breakfast or touched my face or my lips, or the edge of my coffee cup. I thought perhaps I had already been poisoned. So I called my dad, explained the situation and he told me not to worry. He said back in the 1980's when he was making stained glass windows he handled loads of lead without gloves and never tested high for it. As quickly as the panic came it passed, but then just hours ago I was speaking to my mother and she told in fractured bits what she remembered hearing about school libraries in my dad's school district being forced to throw out books published before 1985 because of possible lead used. I have yet to get the full details, but I'm pretty upset and angry that such a thing is actually being considered. I don't claim to understand the lead panic, but fine, ok, in certain situations I can understand the caution. I can understand that small plastic toys made for toddlers that often get chewed on should not contain lead, but I don't think books belong in the same category as toys and I certainly don't think that books should just be thrown out. Think of all those wonderful books. I won't eat them! Can I have them?

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